Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis – Lithium Batteries

  • Limited Lifespan: Lithium-ion batteries have a limited lifespan, typically measured in charge-discharge cycles. After a certain number of cycles, the battery’s capacity drops to a point where it becomes less useful for its intended application. This degradation is often exacerbated by factors such as high temperatures, deep discharges, and fast charging.
  • Costs of OblinEngine vs. Lithium: An OblinEngine is a 1-megawatt unit with 12MWh of storage, that can also be easily be augmented and OblinEngine will last 100 years, costing USD 10.4M.  The cost for lithium within the same 100-year lifespan would be approximately USD 108M, so 10 times more expensive without allowing for the rapid rise in rare earth elements over the next 100 years.
  • Reduced Capacity in Extreme Temperatures: Lithium batteries generally perform optimally within a specific temperature range, typically between 0°C and 45°C (32°F to 113°F). Outside of this range, their performance can degrade significantly. In cold temperatures, the chemical reactions within the battery slow down, leading to reduced capacity and power output. Similarly, high temperatures can accelerate the aging process and lead to capacity loss. +50C is common in the Sahara.
  • Safety Concerns: While lithium-ion batteries are generally safe when used and maintained properly, they can pose safety risks over time. Factors such as internal shorts, overcharging, physical damage, and manufacturing defects can lead to thermal runaway, causing the battery to overheat, catch fire, or explode.
  • Self-Discharge: Lithium-ion batteries exhibit self-discharge over time, meaning they gradually lose their charge even when not in use. This self-discharge rate varies depending on factors such as temperature and state of charge, but can contribute to reduced battery life if left unused for extended periods.
  • Environmental Impact: The production and disposal of lithium-ion batteries have environmental implications. Extraction of raw materials, such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel, can lead to habitat destruction, water pollution, and carbon emissions. Improper disposal or recycling of batteries can also result in environmental contamination and health hazards.
  • Resource Constraints: Lithium-ion batteries rely on scarce and finite resources such as lithium and cobalt. As demand for these materials increases with the proliferation of electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems, concerns about resource depletion and supply chain disruptions arise.

Competitive Analysis – Liquid Air

  • Storage: Liquid air is typically stored at extremely low temperatures, around -196 degrees Celsius (-321 degrees Fahrenheit). At this temperature, air is in a liquid state and can be stored in specialized containers such as cryogenic tanks. These are very expensive tanks specially designed.
  • Storage and Transportation Challenges: Liquid air requires specialized storage and transportation infrastructure due to its extremely low temperature. Cryogenic tanks and equipment are needed to maintain the liquid state, which adds complexity and cost to the storage and distribution process.
  • Evaporation Losses: Even with proper insulation and storage techniques, there will be some evaporation of the liquid air over time. This loss can be significant, especially if the storage duration is long or if the storage tanks are not well-maintained.
  • Safety Concerns: Handling liquid air requires careful safety measures due to its extremely low temperature and the potential hazards associated with cryogenic fluids. Accidental exposure or contact with liquid air can cause severe frostbite or cold burns.
  • Limited Applications: While liquid air has potential applications in energy storage and refrigeration, its use is currently limited compared to other cryogenic fluids like liquid nitrogen or liquid helium. Further research and development are needed to explore its full potential and overcome technical and economic challenges.

Overall, while liquid air has some promising applications, particularly in energy storage and refrigeration, it also has significant disadvantages and challenges that need to be addressed for widespread adoption.

Competitive Analysis – Pumped Hydro Storage

Pumped hydroelectric storage is a technology used to store and generate electricity. While it has several advantages, such as grid stability and renewable energy integration, it also comes with some disadvantages:

  • High Initial Cost: Building pumped hydro facilities requires significant upfront investment. Constructing dams, reservoirs, and associated infrastructure can be very expensive.
  • Environmental Impact: Pumped hydro projects can have a significant environmental footprint. They may require the flooding of large areas of land for reservoirs, leading to habitat destruction, displacement of communities, and disruption of ecosystems.
  • Limited Site Availability: Not every location is suitable for pumped hydro projects. The geography must support the construction of reservoirs at different elevations, which limits the number of viable sites. Suitable sites are often in remote or ecologically sensitive areas.
  • Long Lead Times: The development of pumped hydro projects can be time-consuming. It involves extensive planning, environmental assessments, permitting, and construction. Delays in any of these stages can prolong the project timeline.
  • Geological Constraints: Geological factors such as soil stability, seismic activity, and rock composition can influence the feasibility and safety of pumped hydro installations. Unsuitable geology can increase construction costs and risks.
  • Regulatory Challenges: Pumped hydro projects are subject to various regulatory requirements and approvals. Obtaining permits for land use, water rights, environmental impact, and other aspects can be complex and time-consuming.
  • Visual Impact: Pumped hydro facilities, particularly large dams and reservoirs, can alter the visual landscape. Some people may consider them unsightly, leading to aesthetic concerns and opposition from local communities.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Like any infrastructure, pumped hydro facilities require ongoing maintenance to ensure safe and efficient operation. This includes inspections, repairs, and periodic upgrades, which can add to operational costs.

Despite these disadvantages, pumped hydro remains a valuable tool for energy storage and grid stability, particularly in regions with suitable geographic and hydrological conditions. As technology advances and environmental considerations become increasingly important, efforts are underway to mitigate the negative impacts associated with pumped hydro projects.


The energy storage market necessitates ongoing advancements in technology and innovation to address evolving challenges and opportunities. New technologies play a crucial role in reducing costs, improving efficiency, increasing energy density, enhancing longevity and reliability, minimizing environmental impact, and enabling seamless integration with renewable energy sources. These innovations are essential for optimizing grid performance, enhancing energy security, and facilitating the transition to a more sustainable and resilient energy system. Moreover, they create new market opportunities and drive economic growth while addressing pressing global energy and environmental concerns. Thus, continuous innovation remains paramount for the continued growth and success of the energy storage market.  We believe that OblinEngine is by far the best future option for highly competitive, ultra clean, long term, long life, electricity storage. 

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